Monday, June 3, 2013


I apologize to everyone that reads my blog.  I have not posted anything for over a week now.  It's not that I didn't have time, didn't want to, but because I could not get to my blogs to post.

Is that confusing?  Well it is to me too.  I kept getting a little block that said I couldn't post, that I had to refresh my page.  I could not find that button to push and still can't.  So here I am writing an apology and getting ready to post last weeks obits.

I took a short break of five days to go up north, way up north, to see my granddaughter graduate.  Tears of joy streamed down my face as I watched her walk across the stage to receive her diploma.  So proud of her.

Bear with me.  I will attempt to try again. 

Until then......................................

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