Estes Family Cemetery
My husband and I took a short trip to Clyde, TX to meet my fourth cousin once removed. We found each other through our DNA testing. I took information on all that I had found on our Barnes family side and when we got together she gave me what she had.
It is so nice to be able to share our information and not consider it our personal find and horde it. She gave me pictures of her ancestors along with a lot of information.
I did not have pictures to share but gave her all information I had collected. Piecing it together is what I call fun. It's been my aahhhhh moment. So that's where they came from and that's where they went!
We didn't spend much time in Clyde but she did take us to the family cemetery her father had just completed. I was impressed. It had all the components of just sitting and rocking and maybe talking to your departed. Maybe say a few words you didn't have the time to say before they were taken from this world. Or just reflecting on your happy moments together.
Mr. Estes even had his parents remains brought to the family cemetery and gave them their place of honor among the family members already there.
I'm sorry to say I did not write down the names on the stones to share with everyone. I got too caught up in the beauty and serenity, and of course talking with my new found cousin. Guess this calls for another trip to Clyde!
Until then...................................
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