Monday, July 26, 2010


I'm in countdown mode starting this week. Only a couple of weeks and I am traveling, again. I keep thinking of one more thing I want to do, go see, or someone else to go visit on the way. Have you ever done that?

You lay out your plan. Go see Aunt Jane, visit the lake, of course go shopping, and then more ideas just keep popping in your head. By the time you get home you are exhausted! But you got all those things done and then some.

I'm looking forward to just that. I'm taking my laptop and hopefully will be able to write a page or two.

Then there is reading in the airport. Or do you just like to people watch? I like doing both, but then I'm looking over my book, glancing here and there, loosing my place, rereading the page several times. I'm sure you've done that too. But it's interesting. Could be a good story. A thriller. A ruse while he's reading the book watching for the agent that following him.

Okay enough of that. But it is a good story. I've got a lot of books on my shelf that I've got to get read. Think I'll start with Steven James. Good suspense....FBI......looking forward to it!

Busy day to get in some research too so I'm off.

Until then.....

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